At the National Green Flag Ceremony on Tuesday 27th May 2014, Cheeky Cherubs Early Years Schools was awarded an International Green Flag in recognition of our efforts in working towards a sustainable lifestyle through “Litter and Waste” reduction and recycling!!!
An Taisce, the National Trust for Ireland, is the foremost environmental organisation in Ireland. Its range of interests extends from the natural heritage of land, air, water, flora and fauna, to the heritage of buildings and gardens. Through its local, national and international networks, it seeks to educate, inform and lead public opinion on the environment and influence policy and development.
It was a lengthy process and included documenting and putting in place committee meetings, an environmental review, developing an action plan, monitoring and evaluating our progress, co-ordinating litter picks within Cheeky Cherubs and also into the community (around the local estate), incorporating recycling materials into our activities and curriculum, involving and informing and of course coming up with our very own “Green Code”
It finished with a visit from Dr Mary Stack of Cork County Council, in January, who came especially to see how a preschool had put this “Litter and Waste” theme into action. She was blown away by the awareness our children had for recycling and was very impressed by what we had been able to achieve.
We have received a Certificate (which will be added to our new awards wall in the hall in Ballincollig) as well as the infamous GREEN FLAG and we will be celebrating with a flag raising ceremony of our own.
Again we would like to thank all of our families for their support.
Images from the Green Flag Awards Ceremony

Sarah O’Leary (Co-Director, Cheeky Cherubs), Janine Urquhart (Manager, Cheeky Cherubs), Anne Marie Murray (Manager, Cheeky Cherubs) and Michele Akerlind (Co-Director, Cheeky Cherubs)